BONO ArtesArtes designs and manufactures industrial water treatment systems on a turn-key basis. Throughout more than 40 years of BONO experience in water applications, Artes is fully able to support customers for both process and waste water needs. Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, veiciet nospiedienu uz attēla vai produkta virsraksta. Detalizētu informāciju par izvēlēto produktu jūs varat iegūt, lejupielādējot tehniskās dokumentācijas failu. Boiler Feedwater DegassingWater when in equilibrium with the atmosphere contain significant levels of gases, mainly carbon dioxide and oxygen. In several industrial applications the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide must be reduced to negligible levels either for process purposes or to prevent boilers and pipelines from severe corrosion. Deaerators |  | | The thermo-physical deaeration process is by far the most applied technology in the Boiler Feedwater Degassing when a reduction of oxygen to only a few parts per billion is required. Dissolved gases are removed by steam stripping, and the steam is moreover employed as heating medium because of the reduced solubility of gases at higher temperature. |
On the other hand vacuum deaerators are employed when heating of water is not necessary and when steam is not available as a stripping medium. Typical applications are degassing of Injection Water in the upstream sector and in the degassing of make-up water in district heating. The advantages of BONO Artes' deaerating processes are the following: - An extremely efficient Mass-Transfer rate leads to reduction of dissolved gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide, volatile compounds) in water to meet the most stringent specifications
- Efficient heating of the BFW to the required boiler temperature with a dramatic saving of the required steam
- A very compact deaerating tower is obtained thanks to the efficient packing with a high "active area / installed volume" ratio
- High reliability and low maintenance due to the implementation of 50 years of design and manufacturing experience in deaeration technology
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Cooling Water FiltrationWater is by far the preferred cooling medium because of its chemical-physical properties. In particular when evaporative cooling towers are used, water is regularly added (Make-Up) to compensate the losses due to the evaporation in the cooling tower and the losses from the circuit to keep the chemical-physical characteristics of the circulating water within an acceptable range of conductivity, dissolved salts, hardness. Filtration of Make-up and Side-streams |  | | In the purification of make-up water the target is to reduce to the maximum possible extent the presence of suspended solids due to the incoming well or surface water. Moreover in evaporative cooling towers the circulating water is contaminated by impurities due to the atmospheric air (air-borne dust). Therefore, filtration of a partial stream of circulating water (Side Stream) is necessary to reduce the content of suspended solids and as a consequence the purging stream. |
Filtration of such Make-up and Side-streams can be done by means of: - Deep bed pressure media filtration (single or multi media type)
- ARTES' proprietary HYDRABACK automatic valveless gravity filters
The latter is particularly suitable for the "side stream" filtration where large capacities are involved and water flows by gravity through the filters directly into the cooling water reservoir.
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Condensate PolishingCondensate polishing is employed to purify the return steam condensate in order to meet the quality requirements of high pressure thermal cycles and minimise consumption of make-up water. Types of impurities |  | | The Condensate Polishing is concerned with three specific types of impurities. |
Types of impurities: - Corrosion products are normally oxides of iron, copper and nickel that could be either in the form of particulate matter or in solution, the removal of these products is done by filtration of the condensate and according to the capacity, size and concentration of particulate matter, filtration could be performed on pre-coat, media or cartridge filters
- Presence of dissolved salts commonly arises from leakage of cooling water into the condensing steam or presence of soluble corrosion products. Removal of contaminants induced by condenser leaks requires the use of ion-exchange demineralisers. Mixed-bed ion exchangers are commonly used for low-contamination levels and high flow capacity, with internal or external regeneration facilities. In case of higher level of mineral contamination, separate cation and anion exchangers could be foreseen upstream the mixed bed polisher
- Particularly important for the oil refining and petrochemical sectors, oils and hydrocarbons could be present in the return condensate because of leakage from steam-operated heat exchangers or process equipment. Oil in the boiler could form non-wettable films on the heat transfer surfaces so that steam bubbles adhere and severe corrosion or overheating failure could occur because of the inadequate cooling of the surface. Whilst a significant amount of oil from the return condensate can be removed by means of coalescers or walnutshell filters, removal of traces of oil is normally done by means of adsorption processes on granular activated carbon media filled into pressure-operated filters
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DemineralizationDemineralization is concerned with the removal of all dissolved mineral matter from water. Demineralization Plants |  | | Designing a vast range of plants and from answering the most varied problems in all industrial sectors, BONO demineralization plants have made the norm in the evolution of water treatment. |
Most common applications of demineralisation: - Treatment of Boiler Feed Water (BFW), in order to maintain high heat-transfer efficiency in the boiler by preventing deposition of precipitated scale and corrosion or deterioration of surfaces in contact with water
- When production of steam is related to power generation through a steam turbine, a higher water quality is mandatory to meet requirements of the turbine manufacturer
- Pharmaceutical
- Chemical and petrochemical sectors where it is used as a process fluid
Demineralization can be roughly schematised in three different steps: - Pretreatment, possibly featuring Water clarification, in-line clarification, media Filtration, GAC adsorption, membrane separation (Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration)
- Deionisation that could be achieved through ion exchange or reverse osmosis often coupled with atmospheric or membrane degassing to remove the residual carbon dioxide
- Polishing featuring mixed bed exchangers or electrodeionization (EDI)
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Effluent TreatmentEffluent treatment plants in all Industrial installations are critical systems for their economy and efficiency. This is particularly true for industrial processes where water is directly involved as a process fluid. Effluent Treatment Plants |  | | BONO Artes can provide its customers with its long term experience in effluent treatment systems. |
In detail specific solutions have been developed for the following applications: - Effluent water treatment in refineries and petrochemical plants
- Treatment of waste water from flue gas depuration
- Storm water & oily water treatment
- Quench-water treatment and recovery in ethylene plants
- Zero liquid discharge
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Drinking Water & Sanitary Water TreatmentEven though mainly focused on industrial applications, ARTES Ingegneria has developed a long-term experience in designing and supplying package-type Sanitary Water Treatment (ARTES' proprietary BIOCLAR process) and Drinking Water makers that find wide use in communities not directly linked to potable water and sewerage networks. BIOCLAR |  | | The BIOCLAR biological treatment package is widely used in several industrial sites where waste water can be easily assimilated to urban sewage. |
Among the most important applications of ARTES' Sanitary Water Treatment (BIOCLAR) and Drinking Water makers: - Off-shore platforms, pumping and compression stations
- Working and construction camps
- Resorts, Hotels, Campings
- Military camps
- Camps for refugees
- Hospitals and health centres
- Abattoirs - dairies - distilleries
- Wine-making industry
- Farming industry
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Produced Water & Injection Water TreatmentARTES Ingegneria (BONO Artes) is able to provide design, manufacturing and commissioning of a full range of products that could set the "state-of-the-art" solution in "Produced Water" & "Injection Water" treatment. ARTES Ingegneria |  | | The natural destination of Produced Water is injection back as "flooding water" into the reservoir in order to "move" oil toward the extraction hole, this is normally done below the oil layer into the "formation" rocks. Since the rocks are highly porous the Produced Water to be injected must be free from solids, oil and scaling salts to avoid "plugging" of the "formation" rocks. The residual life of an oil reservoir is strictly related to the "size" of the solids particles still present in the injection water. |
Treatment of produced water is therefore mainly based upon a sequence of stages according to the influent oil and solid content. The first stage is characterised by a de-oiling unit arranged on oil interceptors (coalescing plates or tilted plates type) or flotation units. In order to achieve the maximum purity from solid particle, downstream the first stage an extremely accurate filtration process is employed. Walnut shell filters are particularly suitable for this application assuring removal of up to 98% of the contaminants present in the feed water. The possibility to treat "Produced Water" is, from one point of view, a way to reduce the impact on the environment; from the other a strong possibility to increase production of oil and therefore profitability. In some cases Produced Water is not enough to cope with the demand of water to be injected in the oil basin to keep the pressure high. Specific Injection Water treatment systems are designed for this purpose featuring in particular vacuum degassing, fine filtration and chemical conditioning.
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Desalination & Raw Water TreatmentARTES can provide its Customers with its long term experience in Water Treatment systems. In detail specific solutions have been developed for the following applications: Well water treatment, Surface water treatment, Sea water treatment & Desalination. Well Water Treatment |  | | Well water treatment is by far the most commonly used source of water for most civil and industrial applications where there is large availability of water in aquifers at low depth from the ground level. |
Well water is roughly defined by the following characteristics: - Low to moderate salinity (50 - 5,000 ppm TDS)
- Low presence of micro-organisms, bacteria, algae, fungi
- Turbidity and suspended solids are normally in the lowest range but concentration could rise in particular conditions
- Presence of Oils and organics is normally not likely unless with possible sources of contamination
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Surface Water Treatment |  | | Treatment of surface water consist of a sequence of different stages. |
Stages: - Basically water treatment may consist of chemical physical treatment with coagulation and flocculation in order to destabilise and precipitate colloids and solids into gravity settlers. Chemical physical treatment is normally followed by filtration on media filters in order to effectively remove the residual suspended solids
- When large capacities are required, filtration can be performed by means of self-backwashing gravity filters. These filters are energy saving since filtration is done by gravity and in the control of the plant. The plant is in fact hydraulically operated without instrumentation, pumps and control panels. The efficiency of filtration can be enhanced by use of chemical agents (coagulation agents or filter aids) that promote the solid particles to coalesce and further grow
- Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Filters are effective in the removal of organics and could be moreover useful to perform the removal of free chlorine in case chlorination is done to achieve the disinfection of the feed water
- Ultrafiltration may be a valid alternative to the Chemical physical unit because of the high potential of retaining suspended solids, bacteria and high-MW hydrocarbons
- When the dissolved solids content is too high to enable any industrial or civil use, a desalination process could be implemented by means of the reverse osmosis technology. This is particularly true when well water may be contaminated by salts originated by sea water at close distance from the aquifer
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Sea Water Treatment & Desalination |  | | Sea water treatment & desalination is implemented when there is limited availability of well and surface water. This is particularly true in desert areas or when the available surface water is of extremely poor quality . |
The technologies employed by BONO Artes in the desalination of sea water are based on membrane processes. In particular the "heart" of the process scheme is a Reverse Osmosis unit where saline water is pumped in cross flow on the elements with enough pressure to overcome the high osmotic pressure and enable a satisfactory recovery factor. Energy saving solutions are implemented with high-rejection energy saving permeators and with the use of "energy recovery" device enabling the energy of the high pressure concentrate to be transferred to the incoming feed water thus reducing the required power per unit of desalinated water.
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