
Fergo offers you different type of valve actuation weather it is a electrical, pneumatic or combined actuators quipped with various options.

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Pneumatic Part-Turn Actuator

Fergo pneumatic part-turn actuators of series FG are characterized by a steady switching capacity and absolute reliability.



These actuators are available in two versions. As single-acting version (FG-SR), which closes or opens the valve in case of a pressure reduction automatically and as double-acting version (FG-DA) at which both switching directions will be controlled over compressed air.





Actuators of Series SYD and SYR

The actuators of series SYD and SYR or designed to ensure a permanent and efficient usage at minimal maintenance.



A completely sealed body, which is tightly closed by caps and o-rings, guarantees that no water can intrude, even at sophisticated ambits. External accessible stop screws allow a precise adjustment between 80° and 100°.





Electromotive Actuators

The electromotive turn-part actuators with an angle from 0° to 90° / 0° to 180° or freely definable angle.

Electromotive Turn-part Actuator


Actuators are constructed extremely compact and completely equipped to be easily operated.





Electromotive AUMA-Actuators

If you like to equip your valve with an electromotive actuator, we recommend the AUMA-actuators. Due to AUMA's enormous variety and high quality we are able to upgrade all of our valves for ever application.



This actuator is sturdy, powerful and reliable. It has modular design and adaptability.





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